Employee Entitlements: Quarantine and Self-Isolation

Due to the current changing environment and constant changing rules, it is important for employers to know their obligations regarding pay and leave entitlements when an employee is required to quarantine or self-isolate due to COVID-19.

Employees may need to quarantine or self-isolate, preventing them from fulfilling their work duties if they:

  • have tested positive to coronavirus,

  • are a close contact of someone who has been diagnosed with coronavirus, or

  • need to get tested or are waiting for a coronavirus test result.

Below is a summary of the pay and leave requirements for employees during self-isolation and quarantine.

  • If an employee is able to work from home during self-isolation or quarantine, they must be paid their normal pay for the work they’re doing. If they have tested positive to coronavirus and are feeling unwell preventing them from fulfilling their work duties, they are entitled to take sick leave. If they have no sick leave left, they can arrange with their employer to take some other type of paid or unpaid leave including annual leave.

  • If an employee has tested positive to coronavirus or is a close contact of someone who has tested positive to coronavirus and is unable to work from home, they can:

    • Take paid sick/carer’s leave; or

    • If they have no paid sick leave left, they can arrange to take some other type of paid or unpaid leave including annual leave.

    An employee who is on, or decides to take, annual leave during a quarantine or self-isolation period can instead take their accrued sick leave if they become ill or injured. If an employee chooses to change their annual leave to sick leave, they must notify their employer as soon as possible.

  • Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment

    Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a lump sum payment to help you during the time you can’t work and earn income because:

    • You have to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19

    • You’re caring for someone who has to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19

    More Information: Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment

    Test and Isolate Support Payment

    If you need to self-isolate and are unable to work while waiting for a PCR test result, you may be eligible for the COVID-19 Test and Isolate Support Payment.

    More Information: Test and Isolate Support Payment

For more information or industry specific information, please refer to the Fair Work website.


COVID-19: NSW Support Packages


Director Identification Number (DIN) - How to apply