Disaster Relief - Support for Individuals and Businesses affected by Storms & Floods

We have summarised the various support packages available to individuals and businesses who have recently been affected by the storms and floods in Australia during February & March 2022.


Storm & Flood Disaster Recovery Small Business Grant (NSW)

Small businesses in NSW (located in a defined disaster area) that have been directly impacted by storms and floods in February and March 2022 may be eligible for a storm and flood disaster recovery small business grant of up to $50,000. The grant is to help pay for the costs of clean-up and reinstatement of a small business’ operations.

  • The small business owner:

    • has suffered direct damage (direct and material impact of flooding on business assets or equipment)

    • be primarily responsible for the costs you are claiming

    • intends to re-establish your small business within the same area

    • has held an ABN and are engaged in carrying on the business at the time of the floods

  • Covered costs could include, but are not limited to:

    • payment for tradespeople to conduct safety inspections

    • equipment and materials required for cleaning up

    • equipment and materials essential for immediately resuming operations

    • payment for a cleaner if the service would not have been needed, or exceeds ordinary cleaning costs, in the absence of the disaster

    • the removal and disposal of debris, damaged materials or damaged stock

    • repairing premises and internal fittings

    • leasing temporary premises, replacing or repair of motor vehicles, or replacing lost or damaged stock, if it’s essential for resuming operations.

    • Quotes will need to be submitted on application to be eligible for funds of up to $15,000 (no evidence of payment is required at this stage)

    • Evidence, including tax invoices, will be required in relation to the first $15,000 if you are seeking funding from $15,000 to $50,000

    If your initial application is for an amount less than $50,000, you can submit further applications if you require additional funds.

    • If you’ve successfully received funding or assistance from any other government source or program and that funding or assistance has met the same costs you are claiming in your application

    • If you’re entitled to make a claim under an insurance policy for the expenses listed in your application

    • If you’ve received or are entitled to receive the expenses you are claiming under an insurance policy

    • To cover loss of income as a result of the eligible disaster

    • If you are a sole trader with no employees and you do not derive a majority of your income from the business.


Special Disaster Grant for Primary Producers

Additional support measures are available to primary producers who have been impacted by the floods and severe weather that occurred from February 2022 onwards.

Primary producers recovering from the impacts of the floods are eligible for up to $75,000 in assistance.



Disaster Recovery Payment (NSW)

Services Australia is providing a lump sum payment to help people seriously affected by the NSW floods starting in February 2022.

You could be eligible for up to $1,000 per eligible adult and $400 per eligible child if your home has been severely damaged or destroyed or you’ve been seriously injured.

  • Australian residents (or individuals who hold an eligible visa) aged 16 years or older at the time of the floods that live in the listed LGA’s.

    If you’re part of a couple, you can both claim this payment separately.

    You can also claim for your dependent child (who you are a principal carer for) that was seriously affected by the storms and floods.

  • You must have been seriously affected by the storms and floods. For example:

    • You were seriously injured

    • You’re the immediate family member of an Australian resident who died or is missing

    • The flood caused major damage to your home.

  • Examples of major damage to your principal place of residence can include:

    • It’s been destroyed or must be demolished

    • It’s been declared structurally unsound

    • This disaster has exposed the interior to the elements

    • Sewage has gotten inside your home

    • This disaster has significantly damaged a major asset or assets you own at the property

    You may also be eligible if this disaster has caused major damage to the interior of your principal place of residence. Examples include:

    • Flooring or furniture needs refinishing or replacing

    • Electrical items need repairing or replacing

    • Metal has begun to rust, pit and corrode and needs replacing.

  • The payment is a lump sum payment of $1,000 per eligible adult and $400 for each child younger than 16.

    If you live in the LGA of Clarence Valley, Lismore or Richmond Valley, you may be eligible for the special supplement which is paid in 2 parts and is a total of $2,000 per adult and $800 for each child under 16.


Disaster Recovery Allowance

Individuals could be eligible for short-term income assistance (for up to 13 weeks) if you’ve lost income as a direct result of the floods.

  • To get the payment, you must meet all of the following:

    • You were 16 or older at the time of the floods

    • You are an Australian resident or hold an eligible visa

    • You work or live in an affected Local Government Area (LGA)

    • You lost income as a direct result of the storms and floods

    • You earn less than the average Australian weekly income in the weeks after you had this income loss ($1,737.10 per week).

    If you’re part of a couple, you can both claim this payment separately.

  • If you’re eligible, you’ll get the maximum equivalent rate of the JobSeeker Payment or Youth Allowance, depending on your personal circumstances.


Disaster Relief Grant (NSW)

If your home or essential household contents were damaged or destroyed, you may be eligible for the Disaster Relief Grant for individuals which is aimed to help people recover from the effects of a disaster and re-establish a basic standard of living.

The grant is not provided to replace insurance or compensate a loss.

    • Your home (primary place of residence) was damaged by a natural disaster

    • You do not have insurance for the damage

    • You are a low income earner with limited financial resources

    • It has been less than 4 months since the disaster

    You may not be eligible if:

    • Lack of maintenance has caused of impacted the damage

    • The damage is cosmetic and not essential to living in a safe an habitable home.


Temporary Housing Support

The Temporary Housing Support Package will help people who need accommodation support in the coming weeks and months.

The package will include:

  • Temporary housing options for rural land owners

  • Mobile motor homes

  • Temporary accommodation in recreation clubs

  • Access to the Red Cross housing brokerage service.

The support package is not yet available. Click the link below to be notified when more information has been released.


Rental Support Scheme

The rental support scheme helps people whose homes are uninhabitable as a result of the February-March 2022 storms and floods.

The scheme will provide up to 16 weeks rental support to flood victims in temporary accommodation and is scalable on the number of people per household, including children.

The scheme is not yet available. Click the link below to be notified when more information has been released.


Red Cross Grants

The Australian Red Cross will provide support through 2 types of cash grants: Bereavement Grant & Relief Grant.

  • To support senior next-of-kin people who died as a direct result of the floods with immediate needs (funeral and other related expenses).

  • Cash assistance for people who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of flood impact to their primary place of residence. The grant aims to help people who can’t return home with basic, urgent needs, such as food, clothes, bedding or personal items.

Applications open on Friday 18 March and will stay open until all funds are exhausted.


Managing Cashflow


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